Podcast On Fire 188: The Dynasty Report – The White Haired-Witch Of Lunar Kingdom & Floating City

podnetwork1‘Three reports in and we’re still playing with the format, mixing and matching and certainly not setting any cut off point in terms of a movie being too old. Just have to be fairly new so for this episode, you’ll be hearing Paul Fox, Dr. David Lam and Kenny B talk The White Haired Witch Of Lunar Kingdom from 2014 and Floating City from 2012. One might or might not be a totally unneccssary re-thread of the novel The Bride With White Hair was based on (and it might even be a close remake) and the other is Aaaron Kwok putting away the outlandishly colored pants in favour of acting. Click image or link below to access the show!

pof188Podcast On Fire 188: The Dynasty Report – The White Haired-Witch Of Lunar Kingdom & Floating City

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