The Golden Ninja Podcast 1: IFD Films & Arts History & Ninja Terminator

We officially debute a NEW show on the Podcast On Fire Network! The Golden Ninja Podcast! Am also happy to announce that my co-host for this first go at giving IFD, Filmark, ninjasploitation etc a voice in the podcasting world and for the continuing series hopefully will be Ed Glaser! Filmmaker and actor, he runs Neon Harbor, home of among other things the web-series Ninja The Mission Force (which he starred in and directed). Throughout its 2 seasons, it’s a love letter to Godfrey Ho, IFD and a splendid, free for all and silly experience. Ed was terrific during episode one and be sure to give Neon Harbour a like and if you find the look and sound of his productions intriguing, watch them online or buy a dvd! Click image or link below to access thee podcast!

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