Scorpion Horror should’ve been an aka.
Full review at
Watch out T1000. Amy Yip is here.
Full, written review available at
Video removed since Vimeo (who allow tags involving sexually suggestive content) removed my account. Despite no nudity in any reviews of Category III movies, it’s not worth the headache to repost old and new reviews on another service. Original posts in the Past Sleaze and Sleazy K’s Video Reviews-categories will remain as they do link to the written review but video content will be removed and any future Category III related reviews won’t have an accompanying video review.
Mike Abbott, A ninja and Mark Watson are IN an older Taiwan movie.
Full, written review available at
Ulysses Au (Prodigal Boxer, Thou Shalt Not Kill … But Once) puts the
women at front as the dominant forces of men and the castrators of men.
Full written, review available at
THE most fun Godfrey Ho and IFD ever had (even with a totally bored Richard ‘I Wish I Was Dead’ Harrison in the mix).
Full, written review available at
The best Lucio Fulci and Dario Argento movie ever made in Hong Kong.
Full, written review available at
Video removed since Vimeo (who allow tags involving sexually suggestive content) removed my account. Despite no nudity in any reviews of Category III movies, it’s not worth the headache to repost old and new reviews on another service. Original posts in the Past Sleaze and Sleazy K’s Video Reviews-categories will remain as they do link to the written review but video content will be removed and any future Category III related reviews won’t have an accompanying video review.
Johnny Wang’s last boxing match with his audience.
Full, written review available at
Video removed since Vimeo (who allow tags involving sexually suggestive content) removed my account. Despite no nudity in any reviews of Category III movies, it’s not worth the headache to repost old and new reviews on another service. Original posts in the Past Sleaze and Sleazy K’s Video Reviews-categories will remain as they do link to the written review but video content will be removed and any future Category III related reviews won’t have an accompanying video review.
As flimsy as the golden ninja empire prop, Diamond Ninja Force is one of the gems in the IFD library.
For full, written review and plot synopsis, visit
Not one little instance of animal cruelty but a megaton of it. William Cheung’s classic snake terror-movie reviewed. Go Taiwan!
Plot synopsis available in the full, written review at
Video removed since Vimeo (who allow tags involving sexually suggestive content) removed my account. Despite no nudity in any reviews of Category III movies, it’s not worth the headache to repost old and new reviews on another service. Original posts in the Past Sleaze and Sleazy K’s Video Reviews-categories will remain as they do link to the written review but video content will be removed and any future Category III related reviews won’t have an accompanying video review.
Yipes, IFD! Where did you find this horror gangster movie and Richard Harrison’s mean streak?
Plot synopsis available in the full, written review at