Hong Kong. A paradise of adventure and center of scum.
Original, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Hong Kong. A paradise of adventure and center of scum.
Original, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Also, me and This Week In Sleaze co-host King Who? took over the anchor show’s recording booth and gave you episode 97 of Podcast On Fire where City On Fire is discussed and reviewed! Click image below or link to hear the show!
Some said it was a cobbled together (raw in a good way) mess and they would be correct. Entirely publicizable.
Original, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Video removed since Vimeo (who allow tags involving sexually suggestive content) removed my account. Despite no nudity in any reviews of Category III movies, it’s not worth the headache to repost old and new reviews on another service. Original posts in the Past Sleaze and Sleazy K’s Video Reviews-categories will remain as they do link to the written review but video content will be removed and any future Category III related reviews won’t have an accompanying video review.
As Stoo and myself are stepping up production rate at the Podcast On Fire Network, you should be hearing the anchor show Podcast On Fire weekly with a network show popping up every 2 weeks. Hence, episode 94 and 95 have been unleashed.
94 in short contains Cat III for Stoo and freaky Japanese old school horror for me as I’m ‘made’ to watch another film. Click link or image below to access the episode.
95 is a big holiday movie marathon courtesy of Stoo while my usual obsession with Luk Siu-fan gets another showcase. Officially exterminated… I shall not be. Click link or image below to access the episode.
Actors putting anything in their mouths for exploitation, part 2.
Original, written review available at soogdreviews.com.
Originally made as Exposed To Danger, IFD took a few minutes out of Yang Chia-yun’s familiar revenge thriller and made Breakout From Oppression. Friday The 13th beheading included.
Original written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Also available as a You Tube Edition if you don’t have a dvd of the movie. Click below image to access the show.