Taiwanese cinema is doing Hello Dracula– and effects stuff once more but appears to be slightly tired of it.
Full, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Taiwanese cinema is doing Hello Dracula– and effects stuff once more but appears to be slightly tired of it.
Full, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Full, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Video removed since Vimeo (who allow tags involving sexually suggestive content) removed my account. Despite no nudity in any reviews of Category III movies, it’s not worth the headache to repost old and new reviews on another service. Original posts in the Past Sleaze and Sleazy K’s Video Reviews-categories will remain as they do link to the written review but video content will be removed and any future Category III related reviews won’t have an accompanying video review.
There’s Tsui Hark’s seminal special effects classic, The Golden Ninja Podcast concludes its run and we talk making Category III movies that are also rated Category III. Click below images or links to access the shows. Continue reading Post ID 1434
Not ninja-city or ninja-war in the city. IFD starts a new chapter.
Full, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Vintage road movie, biggest Korean movie (and zombie-movie) of 2016 and a bonus episode featuring a zombie-animation. All available within the latest trio of What’s Korean Cinema? podcasts, that includes a review of Train To Busan. Click images or links below to access the shows! Continue reading Post ID 1434
No one would center their silly sex-comedy around a real life tragedy, right? Wrong.
Full, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
Video removed since Vimeo (who allow tags involving sexually suggestive content) removed my account. Despite no nudity in any reviews of Category III movies, it’s not worth the headache to repost old and new reviews on another service. Original posts in the Past Sleaze and Sleazy K’s Video Reviews-categories will remain as they do link to the written review but video content will be removed and any future Category III related reviews won’t have an accompanying video review.
Filmark put an inspired Thai-actioner on display.
Full, written review available at sogoodreviews.com.
3 episodes, 6 Hong Kong weepies. Click images or links below to access the shows! Continue reading Post ID 1434